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Cardano Stake Pool Operator

"There, he married Lucia Banderini in 1531. Before her death in 1546, they had three children, Giovanni Battista, Chiara and Aldo Urbano. Cardano later wrote that those were the happiest days of his life."



Stake with banderini and grow your ADA

Earn 4 - 5% annualised on your ADA stack

Real-time rewards dashboard to track your returns

10% of banderini's fees are donated to charity

At banderini, we've always believed in the power of the blockchain to change the world.  This promise is no better encapsulated than with Cardano, a decentralised, trustless system built on years of rigorous scientific research and experimentation.  From the finance industry to supply chains, from personal information sovereignty to voting - Cardano has the means and the potential to revolutionise how we do things and bring about a new era of cheaper, safer and fairer access to the services we all need - globally.

As a holder of ADA, the native cryptocurrency of Cardano, you can help secure the network and get paid for doing it.  This is done by staking - simply select BANDA stake pool to delegate your ADA to from within your favourite wallet and enjoy compounded returns on your ADA holdings.  Your assets never leave your control and you are free to spend or move them at any time.

If you're new to staking, please reach out using the contact form below, or say hi on Twitter.  banderini would be happy to help you through the process.


banderini nodes are built with a focus on uptime, security and latency, using public cloud providers.  Relying on decades of experience running mission critical systems, the pool is built to withstand unexpected failures and designed to have the smallest attack surface possible.

Fixed fee 

340 ada

This is the minimum fee allowed by the protocol.

Competitive variable rate




Search for ticker BANDA in your Cardano wallet



As long as the current fee structure as dictated by the protocol doesn't change, these fees will not change either.  Overall, this is the best configuration for ensuring pool costs are well supported and no corners are cut in ensuring stability and performance.

Take a look at live dashboards for the pool.  To toggle dashboards, click on "banderini" in the top left corner of the page.



Core node is not exposed to the internet. Management layers are only accessible via private VPN, there are no SSH endpoints exposed to the internet on any nodes.  Block producing node is configured to only receive traffic from banderini relays.  Nodes are regularly patched and scanned for vulnerabilities


Nodes are containerised.  This mobility enables us to use orchestration tools like Kubernetes to reschedule a node somewhere else if the underlying hardware were to fail.  Docker also allows us to perform zero downtime upgrades and patching of block producing and relay nodes, so no blocks are missed.


Regional relay nodes are connected over fast private links so blocks are propagated in the quickest time possible.  8gb of RAM on each node and redundant 1 Gbps links

  • What is Cardano?
    Cardano is a decentralized public blockchain and cryptocurrency project and is fully open source. It is powered by the token ADA. The development of Cardano is planned out in "eras", and we are currently in the Mary era. This era has delivered native tokens and metadata on the blockchain. Cardano looks forward to the Alonzo era in the second half of 2021, which will bring smart contracts to the platform
  • What is Cardano staking?
    Cardano uses a Proof of Stake consensus method, based on the Ouroboros protocol. This essentially means that in order to ensure the integrity of the blockchain, to forge blocks you stake ada, Cardano's native token. The premise is that if a node acts maliciously, by way of modifying transactions for example, its stake or rewareds are forfeited. This is an alternative method of consensus incentive to Proof of Work, used by bitcon and other cryptocurrencies, by which the node must do some intensive computational work, at a comparatively high cost, in order to forge a block, i.e. there is a significantly large cost to trying to commit fake transactions to the blockchain. Proof of Work, although stable and secure, is immensely energy intensive and is not good for the environment.
  • How do I stake with banderini?
    To stake with banderini in Daedalus, open your wallet and select Stake Pools, using the Staking badge on the left. Search for BANDA and select "Delegate to this pool". To stake with banderini in Yoroi, select the Delegation List tab and search BANDA, then hit "Delegate". Funds never leave your wallet and you can switch to another stake pool at any time
  • How does delegation work?
    Delegation in Cardano is a 3 step process. First, you select which pool you want to delegate to in the Daedalus or Yoroi wallet. You'll then need to wait until the end of the epoch for the current state of stake allocation on the blockchain to be snapshotted. Since an epoch lasts 5 days, you could wait up to 5 days for this to happen. Finally, the stake will become active in the second epoch after snapshotting. Depending on your timing, you could wait a maximum of 10 days for your stake to actively start earning you rewards. If you would like to optimize your timing, you could refer to a number of tools which display the time left in the current epoch, like or
  • How much can I earn by staking with banderini?
    That depends on a number of factors, including the "a0" parameter of the protocol, which determines how much influence the operator's pledge has on rewards. "a0" is constantly under review. In reality though, at banderini's current size you should expect 4% - 5% returns in the medium term. As a delegator, it's also important to be aware of saturation, or the "k" parameter. Saturation is where a stake pool accumulates so much stake that returns diminish dramatically. It is not in a delegator's best interests to stay with a saturated pool - if you are delegated to a saturated pool, you should consider moving your stake to a smaller pool which might forge less blocks, but will have higher rewards over the medium term.
  • I've not received my first rewards, how long do they normally take?"
    When your first delegate to a staking pool, it could take up to 20 days to receive your first rewards, with a minimum 15 days. This is due to the epoch snapshotting process whereby the protocol tracks your stake allocation to a pool and processes your rewards. An epoch lasts 5 days. As an example, if you first delegated to a pool on the 1st of January and the current epoch was ending on the 2nd: - a snapshot of your stake is taken at epoch change on the 2nd - your stake becomes active (i.e., begins to earn you rewards) at the next epoch change on the 7th - your rewards are processed during the next epoch, starting on the 12th - your first rewards are paid out to your staking address at the next epoch change on the 17th Since this is then a rolling process, you will receive rewards at every epoch change (5 days) after that.
  • What charities does banderini work with?
    It's often said that a week's pay could be the difference between having a roof over your head and sleeping on the street. Once homeless, the way back can be arduous and sometimes too big a challenge for some to overcome. As a result of a single indiscretion or bad decision, but most times just bad luck, a life can be decimated with little chance of recovery. banderini is committed to donating 10% of SPO fees to charities that help homeless people and families in the US and UK. These include but might not be limited to:,,,,
  • How do charity donations work at banderini?
    SPO fees will be tallied up every 18 epochs (90 days) starting from the end of the pool's first earning epoch (231). The ada amount will be traded into GBP or USD at the current exchange rates and donated to one or more charities. The donated amount will be published on and on social media channels
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